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Actions management with one-to-one meeting
Service KPI review
eIdeas review
Actions review
Projects review
Plant, it’s a 1-to-1 meeting
The features and functions in the application are based on user roles. Each user may belong to one or more roles. Each role may have multiple users.
In the DLMO main page select SIM Board folder.
SIM4 meeting is performed as a one-to-one meeting between a Manager and its team. The SIM4 meeting is between 20 and 30 minutes.
To enter in a SIM4, it is necessary to select Manager and Owner.
DLMO pre-sets by default:
the Owner with the user logged in if the user does not belong to “Manager” group
the Manager with the user logged in if the user belongs to “Manager” group and is manager of another user
Service KPI eIdeas for the week selected and service KPI Actions for the week selected.
List of eIdeas where the Owner set in SIM4 has to perform activities in the workflow (as Action Owner, Manager or Submitter).
List of Actions having as Action Owner the user set as Owner in SIM4.
List of Projects having as Leader the user set as Owner in SIM4.
Upload files.
Contextual chat.
Open Action popup.
Insert Action Details.
Upload files.
Contextual chat.
Set action due date, status and assign to a SIM or Gemba.
Define if it is "No escalation".
Select Project.
Create or edit projects in the pop up by double-clicking on the single project row.