SIM Boards
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Last updated
SIM Board displays the dedicated boards to support SIM with related action managemen
In the image below, you will find a comprehensive display of all the SIM cards available on the SIM Board.
In the image below, the sections of the page have been highlighted, since all SIM cards except SIM 4 have the same structure.
When you access the SIM, DLMO shows a Main Section with:
The selection of filters
KPIs (configured for the single line/cell or all the lines/cells of the cell group)
Visual summary KPI about barriers and actions
Safety Cross for the line and Safety Cross for the plant (see par. 4.18 for details)
Top 3 barriers for each shift in the last 24 hours if integrated with LDS, otherwise all the barriers tracked in the last 24 hours
On the left side of SIM1 there is a toolbar for a quick access to other SIM1 sections:
In the Barriers section it is possible to review all the barriers for the specific SIM, and for the time filter selected on the top.
In the Actions section it is possible to review all the actions, for the specific SIM and for the time filter selected on the top. By default, all the open actions that have already expired or that are expiring in the next 5 days are shown. If there is any open action, the list is empty.
In the Walk by section it is possible to track the “Walk by” (attendance list for SIM auditors) adding new rows, or editing/deleting the existing rows. A user can add only one row in the “Walk by” for selected plant, production area, line and day and more users can track more than one row for the same “Walk by”.
The Info Moment section shows the pictures and the PDF defined in the configuration.
The Info Moment is automatically shown from each of the SIM1 pages, after a period of inactivity defined in the Plant Parameters section (parameter Screensaver Time (seconds)).
In the External Links section all the links defined in the “External Links” section of Plant Configuration are shown.
In the 5S Checklist section it is possible to compile, if configured, the 5S checklist for the SIM.
In the 5S SIM1 Results page it is possible to view the results of checklists.
In eIdeas the data are filtered by the SIM 1 line.
The features and functions in the application are based on user roles. Each user may belong to one or more roles. Each role may have multiple users.
KPI input (manual or with Excel)
KPI automatic calculation (LDS, actions, 5S, eIdeas)
Create barriers / Review LDS barriers
Create and manage actions (assigned to barriers or not)
Track the Walk by
Access the Info Moment
Access external links
Create and manage 5S checklist
Cell/Production Line or Cell group - Shift
KPI base input (manual or with Excel)
KPI automatic calculation (LDS, actions, 5S, eIdeas)
KPI consolidation from SIM1
KPI copy from other SIM 2, from SIM3 or all SIMSF
Create and manage issues and actions
Track the Attendance
Track the Walk by
Access the Info Moment
Access the Queue link
Access external links
Create and manage 5S checklist
Production Area (Sector) - Daily
KPI base input (manual or with Excel)
KPI automatic calculation (LDS, actions, 5S, eIdeas)
KPI consolidation from SIM2
KPI copy from any SIM2, from SIM3 or another SIMSF
Create and manage issues and actions
Access the Info Moment
Access the Queue link
Access external links
Create and manage 5S checklist
Department / Function - Daily
Support Function
KPI base input (manual or with Excel)
KPI automatic calculation (LDS, actions, 5S, eIdeas)
KPI consolidation from SIM2
KPI copy from any SIM2 or any SIMSF
Create and manage issues and actions
Access the Info Moment
Access the Queue link
Access external links
Create and manage 5S checklist
Production department - Daily
Production Manager
SF Managers
Actions management with one-to-one meeting
Service KPI review
eIdeas review
Actions review
Projects review
Plant, it’s a 1 to 1 meeting
KPI base input (manual or with Excel)
KPI automatic calculation (LDS, actions, 5S, eIdeas)
KPI consolidation from SIM2 or SIMSF
Create and manage issues and actions
Access the Info Moment
Access external links
All departments - Weekly
Plant Management
A summary of the features that are shared between the SIM boards is described in the matrix below.
KPI display and input
KPI Excel import
Info Moment
Manager Walk By
Queue link
External Links
5S module
(5S Results)
(5S Results)
(5S Results